
My name is Brendan and I provide Microsoft Windows PC Tutoring services to home computer users in the Dublin area and online throughout Ireland.  I can present up to 10 pre-prepared lessons or I can provide a customised lesson to suit learners’ specific needs (click on Computer Lessons).  I can also carry out various practical computer workshops with learners’ participation (click on Computer Workshops).

I am providing the services for free while I establish the business and build a good reputation.  I see this approach as a way to provide a useful service to everyone in the Dublin area, while also building up a clientele who will hopefully continue to avail of the service when I switch to a low-fee basis.

The service is designed to be convenient and fit in with learners’ weekly schedule. I can travel to learner’s home and carry out training at a time that suits them. They will get individual attention that caters for their specific needs – I send learner a link to this Training Needs Assessment to help identify the topics they would like to cover.  I also work at a pace that suits learner, so that they get the maximum benefit from each lesson.

Receiving a one-to-one computer lesson is a great way to learn about essential computer topics, and it can serve as a springboard to further learning. After taking a few one-to-one lessons, a learner will then be ready to do an online computer course or follow an internet article on a computer topic of their choice. So they can take their computer studies as far as they wish!